Marijuana Anonymous MA Logo

Marijuana Anonymous

District 2
San Francisco
& East Bay

News & Events


MA Convention – Gratitude by the Golden Gate! August 30-September 1, 2024 

District 2 is hosting this year’s Convention on Labor Day weekend in Burlingame, CA! Go to to learn more. Registration is now open! Find the form to request a scholarship, check out the merchandise fundraising campaign, and use the link to book your hotel room on the hotel’s reservation website. If you would like to make a donation to support our fundraising efforts, use the Venmo or Paypal links at and put “convention” or “scholarship” in the notes field.

The Convention is the annual recovery and social gathering for all of Marijuana Anonymous. It includes workshops, keynote speakers, MA meetings, a dance, and a chance to fellowship with members from across the land. It is a giant sober party and a great opportunity for growth in recovery and personal connections. District 2 members are encouraged to  email if you are interested in learning more about the service opportunities available or joining the planning meetings. All are welcome!

MA District 3 Camping Trip!  8/16 – 8/18/2024


MA District 3 is hosting “Recovery at SunSet State Beach” Camping Trip, Friday 8/16 at 2pm -Sunday 8/18/2024


All MA Districts, members, plus friends and family are welcome!


Monterey Central Coast in Santa Cruz County (see


More Fellowship Opportunities

Looking for more fellowship opportunities? Check out the World Services Event Page or explore other Districts. Please note, these links will take you to other Marijuana Anonymous websites.

Service Opportunities

The Convention Planning Team Needs You!

Some important service roles are open and need to be filled:

● Chair of the Raffle Committee
● Chair of the Pre- and Post-convention activities Committee
● Volunteer Coordinator
● 10-15 people to volunteer during the convention weekend

Contact us by emailing for more information, volunteer, or to request Zoom links to committee meetings.

All committee meetings meet virtually on Zoom. Times listed are PST:

● Steering Committee meets every other Thursday at 6PM.
● Fundraising Committee meets every other Thursday at 6PM.
● Programming Committee meets every other Friday at 5:30PM
● Merchandise Committee meets every other Monday at 5:30PM

Liaison to A New Leaf

The District Service Committee is looking for a volunteer to serve as liaison to A New Leaf Publications. Contact Cass B. if you’re interested or have questions. (You can get her contact information from your GSR.)

District 2 H&I Committee – Looking for volunteers

District 2’s H&I committee is looking for volunteers to speak at or co-secretary a new meeting at an inpatient recovery facility in Oakland. We hold our meeting there every other Saturday from 3:00-4:00 pm. Volunteers to speak must have 90 days clean and sober (from all mind-altering drugs including alcohol) and co-secretaries must have one year clean and sober. Please contact Kathy L. for more information or to volunteer.

Upcoming Local District Committee (DSC) Meeting:

Second Sunday of Each Month from 6:00 – 8:00 pm
(Unless Otherwise Noted)

Contact Cass B. for the link to attend the DSC meeting. For Cass’ contact information please connect with your GSR.

To be placed on the DSC mailing list to receive emails with agendas and zoom links please contact MA District 2.

Local Announcements

Outcomes from the 2024 MAWS Conference!
See here for a summary of the outcomes from the recent 2024 MA World Service Conference.
7th Tradition via Venmo! – See Updated “7th Tradition Page
Venmo is now available for members & meetings to use to make contributions to MA District 2.
  • Name: MA SF-EastBay
  • Username: @madistrict2
Link and QR code provided at:

Meetings to Attend & Support

  • Monday 6pm – Oakland “Dopeless Hopers”
  • Thursday 8pm – Albany “More Than Just Step Study”

World Announcements

ANLP Contributions

A New Leaf Newsletter needs stories, poems, etc. that are centered around recovery. Of particular need are 800-1500 word feature pieces. Typically, the submission deadline is the 10th of the month, but they are in dire need now, so please send something in as soon as possible. The key ask is that it focuses on what happened and what it is like now rather than what it was like. Please send submissions to

Share Your Sobriety Birthday

Allow A New Leaf newsletter to publish your sobriety anniversary to celebrate! Visit the A New Leaf Birthday Submission Page.

MA Phone Meetings

Daily Marijuana Anonymous phone meetings are available. For more info check out